Who is this for:

Coaches, managers of all levels, well-being advisers, careers coaches and workforce development roles.  

Why this programme:

It includes the Apprenticeship Diploma. It provides the depth of knowledge and skills development required for this demanding role.   

Why us:

AC Training has successfully worked with coaching qualifications for fifteen years. AC Training has been involved in a number of apprenticeships since 2017. All skills coaches working with learners are experienced and qualified in coaching and assessment. AC Training offers high quality learning through workshop delivery, coaching and access to a comprehensive library of resources.    

How is the programme delivered: 

The programme is delivered in three principal ways:  
  1. Monthly Workshop Teaching: Over the course of the year, there will be a series of monthly workshops focused on coaching theory and practice.  Your attendance at these will support your progress through the course. The programme launch will typically be delivered in person and subsequent workshops will be delivered online. Remote workshops will be delivered over half days. You are expected to attend these workshops and you will need a microphone and camera for the remote sessions. 
  2. Individual Training: Each of you will be allocated a skills coach. They are responsible for guiding you through the programme, delivering 1-2-1 training, observing you in the workplace and giving objective feedback. They have significant experience in the delivery of coaching and can help relate the theory to the reality within the workplace. 
  3. Resources and Activities: You will have access to a series of online resources and related activities. The resources are there to offer you an opportunity to read into the theory. The associated activities have been written, in order to place the theory into a clinical context. The activities can be completed individually or with your coach as a focus for a learning discussion.

What is covered in the programme: 

The following topics form the core of the content:   

  • Understanding the concept of coaching and differences to other approaches    
  • Coaching models and theory  
  • Interaction and coaching skills  
  • Coaching culture and application within organisations  
  • Reflective practice  
  • Ethics and legislation

What is the commitment:

Unlike some programmes, this is an apprenticeship, so it does require you to commit to twelve months training and an assessment at the end.  We understand you are busy people and the aim is that programme can be completed with the minimum amount of additional work.   

The workshop teaching is deliberately kept to a manageable level, but you do need to attend these. We will need some more of your time to ensure you are able to complete the programme. In addition to the workshop training, you and your skills coach will meet either individually or in a small group (no more than 3 or 4) once a month. These meetings will typically take place remotely via Zoom/Teams and last approximately 2 hours. Finally, we need you to do a bit of reading into the resources and complete the activities linked to this. This can be done whenever you have the time and you should factor in about 2 hours per week for this.  

All of this work contributes to your ‘Off the Job’ Training quota

What does it cost:

In short it doesn’t cost you anything.  The programme is funded through the government apprenticeship system and all large employers pay into this already.  If you work for a smaller organisation, you can still take the programme but your organisation would need to contribute £250 to the cost of the training.

There are a couple of things to be aware of: 

Eligibility:  The programme utilises government funding through the apprenticeship system and comes with some eligibility criteria.   

The following are eligible:  

  • British or EU Citizens 
  • Anyone who has a valid work permit for the UK and has been resident in the UK for 3 years or more
  • Must have a contract covering the duration of the programme. 

Functional Skills: You need to have proof that you have passed your English and Maths GCSEs (or equivalent) to complete the programme.  If you don’t have these, can’t find your certificates or took your GCSE equivalents overseas, then all is not lost.  You can still do this programme, however you must commit to completing your Functional Skills assessments prior to the end of the programme.  We will support you with this.  To answer the most frequent question – even if you have a degree, we still need to see your English and Maths GCSE certificates.