Personal Development & Wellbeing
AC Training supports personal development and well-being through coverage and discussion at reviews and by offering ten modules which cover a range of thought-provoking topics for professional people.
The modules are as follows:
- Assessing your strengths, interests & values
- Time management essentials
- How to overcome your fear of failure
- Setting goals that actually work
- Getting it done-self motivation
- Communication fundamentals
- Stress management
- The benefits and power of regret
- How to change for the better
- Finding meaning and pleasure through life experience
In addition, apprentices have access to mental health support through The Business of Mindfulness and can develop cognitive understanding through Cognassist.
Learners also have access to monthly inputs through the ‘Hot Topics’ activities which facilitates access to current and relevant societal topics which impact on behaviour and professional practice.
Career Development
AC Training supports career development through a range of activity.
- Coverage and discussion by skills coaches at sign-up/induction, reviews and exit interviews.
- Provision for 16–18-year-old and SEND learners, of mandatory career development meetings, with a qualified careers adviser.
- Provision of career development meetings for all other apprentices, through self or skills coach referral, with a qualified careers adviser.
- Delivery of webinars and focused workshops on a range of topics e.g. CV writing, on-line applications, job search, accessing current and relevant labour market intelligence and using social media for networking.
- Apprentices also have access through the Prospects web page to professional guidance on CV completion, interview techniques and enhanced job search processes.
- Support of meaningful employer engagements to build apprentices knowledge of opportunities and the world of work.
- Support of apprentices through networking with a range of organisations including the Careers and Enterprise Company, Careers Hubs and Combined Authorities.
- Support of apprentices in building labour market intelligence through the above activities.
- Signposting to careers events e.g. National Apprenticeship Week.
- Delivery by guest speakers on relevant careers topics e.g. AI and its impact on the world of work.
- Evaluation of destinations data and sharing with learners, skills coaches and SLT.
The above options allow for a structured careers programme which supports apprentices’ individual needs, next steps for their career and personal development and clarity about the range of options available.
The career development programme is structured into an annual calendar and is coordinated by Ian Bedelle – Careers Lead and Commercial Director.
AC Training continues to develop and evaluate its provision, supported by the Careers & Enterprise Company, through plans during 2025 to use Compass + and the Careers Impact internal leadership review.
National Health Service (NHS) – Management Pathway
Team Leader/Supervisor, level 3
Operations Department Manager, level 5
Example Future Job roles:
- Project Manager
- Operations Manager
- Ward Manager
- Clinical Lead
- Medical Director
Further Education and Training:
- Degree or Senior Leader Apprenticeship
- ILM Leadership & Management Levels 6 and 7
- Bespoke courses-Project Management
Enhanced impact:
- Support with CV writing, Interview preparation & Job Search
- Professional body membership-differing levels
- Access to professional career development guidance support
Coaching & Mentoring – Coaching Pathway
Coaching Professional, level 5
Example Future Job roles:
- Life Coach
- Career Coach
- Higher Education (HE) Specialist
- Department Manager
Further Education and Training:
- Career Development Professional Apprenticeship
- ILM Coaching & Mentoring Level 7
- Bespoke courses-Motivational Interviewing Approaches
Enhanced impact:
- Support with CV writing, Interview preparation & Job Search
- Professional body membership-access to resources library, podcasts & webinars
- Access to professional career development guidance support
Career Development Sector – Career Development Professional Pathway
Career Development Professional, level 6
Example Future Job roles:
- Careers Leader
- Career Coach
- Workplace Development Consultant
- Department Manager
Further Education and Training:
- Masters Degree
- Career Leader Training
- Bespoke courses-Motivational Interviewing Approaches
Enhanced impact:
- Support with CV writing, Interview preparation & Job Search
- Professional body membership-access to resources library, podcasts & webinars
- Access to professional career development guidance support
Community Coach – Coaching Pathway
Community Activator Coach, Level 2
Community Sport and Health Officer, Level 3
Community Sports Coach, Level 4
Sporting Excellence Professional, Level 3
Example Future Job roles:
- Community Activator Coach
- Head Coach
- Lead Coach
- Coaching Professional
- Sport and Health Officer
- Community Project Coach
- Activity Leader
- Community Worker
- Outreach Officer
- Sports Coach
Further Education and Training:
- Community Sport & Health Officer, Level 3
- Sports Coach, Level 4 (Elite, School or Community)
- Coaching Professional, Level 5
Enhanced impact:
- Support with CV writing, Interview preparation & Job Search
- Professional body membership-access to resources library, podcasts & webinars
- Access to professional career development guidance support
(Click on the images below to link to more content at
AC Training has adopted the Gatsby Benchmarks as the foundation and measure of the organisations approach and coverage for career development.
Gatsby Benchmark
The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are:
- A stable career programme
- Learning from careers and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Coverage of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks by AC Training (click the headings on the left):
✓ The careers programme is varied in activity and opportunity and is focused on the learner’s individual needs.
✓ Career IAG strategy in place with the approval of the Senior Leadership Team
✓ Progress made on CIAG development plan is reviewed by the Senior Leadership Team on a quarterly basis.
✓ The Commercial Director is responsible for ensuring that CIAG is effectively embedded in the curriculum.
✓ Careers page on AC Training website relating to career development.
✓ Destination and progression data is used as part of curriculum planning.
✓ Career development is covered at induction to explore career aspirations and goals.
✓ Website includes links to relevant information and sites e.g. Nomis.
✓ Workshops and webinars will facilitate access to sources of LMI and cover use of social media and other platforms.
✓ Learners will be signposted to careers events and AC Training will develop its employer network with key organisations e.g. Careers and Enterprise Company to access current LMI and relevant opportunities.
✓ AC Training will collect and use longer-term destination data as part of their evaluation process and use alumni to support their careers programme.
✓ Learners will receive individualized support through career meetings which will focus on realistic next steps which are recorded and support transitions.
✓ Campaigns to challenge stereotype in place and visible within the curriculum and on the website.
✓ Resources demonstrate diversity of learners.
✓ Initial assessment focuses on additional learning support and neurodiversity and ensures correct level and type of apprenticeship or other training options.
✓ English, maths and digital skills are planned for during IAG and individualisation sessions.
✓ Industry relevant IAG is contextualised within the curriculum.
✓ Curriculum for apprenticeships is designed in conjunction with employers for specific job roles.
✓ Skills coaches receive training and updates to support learners’ needs and referral for focused career development guidance and support within AC Training.
✓ The webinars, workshops and coverage by guest speakers will be part of the curriculum and provide specialised knowledge and support to meet individual learner needs.
✓ Industry expert guest speakers deliver webinars on specialist areas and links to careers fairs.
✓ Routes to success include links to professional bodies in careers, health and sports e.g. Career Development Institute (CDI).
✓ Learners will participate in at least two meaningful encounters with an employer. At least one encounter should be delivered through their curriculum area.
✓ Discussion with employers regarding job shadowing CPD opportunities.
✓ Industry expert guest speakers deliver webinars on specialist areas within careers, health and sports.
✓ Learner will have had at least one meaningful experience of a workplace.
✓ Access to Information on opportunities and application processes within FE and HE.
✓ Meaningful encounters through webinars and visits to provide information and guidance on progression options for learning and career development in the careers, health and sports sectors.
✓ 16–18-year-old and SEND learners will receive mandatory career development meetings on two occasions during the apprenticeship programme from Level 6 careers experts at AC Training.
✓ All learners’ career goals and aspirations are explored at the start of the programme and re-visited through reviews to track progress towards next steps.
✓ All learners receive an exit review to look at how they have moved closer to their career goals and aspirations and can be referred for career development meetings and support from Level 6 careers experts at AC Training, where requested or recommended.